Transportation & Parking Lot Procedures

Sacred Heart School families provide their own transportation to and from school. The school's system for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up ensures the safest and most efficient procedures for our students. 

Parking Lot Procedures

The safety of our school community is of primary importance. Please drive slowly and follow the instructions of the faculty, staff and traffic volunteers and the directions in these guidelines. Please cooperate with them at all times.

We ask that all drivers always maintain a very minimal speed (no more than 5 MPH) when driving on the parish property. Students feel that this is a “safe space” and do not watch out for moving vehicles as they should. 

Please watch these helpful videos to learn about Sacred Heart's Traffic System:

Sacred Heart School of Glyndon - Traffic Procedures 2020

Sacred Heart School of Glyndon - Kindergarten Arrival & Dismissal

Sacred Heart School of Glyndon - Procedures for Walking Families