Health Suite

Coronavirus Guidance for Returning to School

The Archdiocese of Baltimore has stated that each school in the Baltimore serving area will refer to the below data metric to make masking decisions for their schools. Should Baltimore County be above 7.1%, faculty, staff and students must be masked upon entering the school building. If the average per 100,000 cases should fall below 7.1, parent and caregivers may choose whether or not to send students into the building wearing a mask. 

On Sunday evenings, Sacred Heart School of Glyndon will consult this data provided by the State of Maryland via and based on the most current findings notify our families as to whether masking for the week will be mandatory or optional.

Parents and caregivers will be notified via the KSwift K-12 Alert System by email and text alerts.

Health Forms

Friendly Reminders from Nurse Julie Will, R.N. : 

All new students and all 6th and 7th graders MUST turn in completed health paperwork to the School Nurse by August 1. 

If your child has medication orders signed by their physician, including Over the Counter Medications (Tylenol/Ibuprofen/Benadryl), the parent MUST provide these medications to the School Nurse. Sacred Heart School of Glyndon does not stock these medications. 

For any questions or concerns, contact Nurse Julie at