Clubs & Activities

Clubs and Activities

The Sacred Heart School of Glyndon has a robust offering of clubs and activities, most of which are available for students in Grades 4-8. 

All clubs help our students develop their unique, God-given talents as our mission calls us to do. Beyond that, clubs help students grow either their academic potential, their service to others, or their faith, or a combination of these.

All of the clubs listed below run regularly throughout the year and reflect strong student interest, support, and enrollment.

  • Intermediate & Middle School Choir
  • Intermediate  & Middle School Concert Band
  • Middle School Clubs-
    • Beads of Strength
    • Environmental/Going Green Club
    • Science Club
    • Student Council
    • Liturgical Dancers
    • Prayer Shawl
    • Girl's STEM Club
    • Boy's STEM Club
    • Newspaper Club
  • Chess Club
  • Coding Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Sacred Heart Soccer
  • Sacred Heart Basketball
  • Theater- Glyndon Area Players

Parish Clubs involve many of our students. 

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts remain very active with strong total enrollment. 

Middle School students can participate in monthly Summit Nights, programming through our parish youth ministry programs. These programs involve both our school students and many parishioner children as well.

To learn more about any of these opportunities, please call the school at 410-833-0857 for further information.