Student Services

Student Services

The Sacred Heart School of Glyndon is a place that recognizes children as unique individuals and encourages all students to realize their God-given gifts and talents. As such, the Sacred Heart Mission is to foster a safe and nurturing learning environment that supports students in all areas of school life.

Reading and Math 

Beginning in first grade, our students are grouped by ability in Math. The students work with other students at their ability level and thereby are able to reach their highest potential. Most of our eighth grade students are able to place out of Freshman Algebra in their first year of high school.

A strong language arts program incorporates phonics, literature, grammar, spelling, writing, vocabulary and reading. Our students are grouped by ability either within the classroom or outside the classroom with the instructional assistance of reading resource teachers. All students are reading the same story but in the way that allows each child to reach their full potential.  

Our reading and math resource teachers work on specific skills development with individuals and small groups of students on a daily basis.

Guidance Services

Sacred Heart School is proud to offer a full-time Guidance Counselor as part of our Student Support and Student Advocacy Teams. Services include individual supportive counseling, small issue-oriented groups, classroom presentations, new student lunch bunches, consultation with staff, participation in outside team meetings, referrals for specialized services in the community and collaboration with mental health providers.

Examples of the kind of issues that often prompt individual meetings are: difficulties with social interactions, sadness about a loss, anxiety, etc. as well as overcoming normal childhood hurdles. Referrals for services are initiated by parents, teachers and administrators.

OLWEUS anti-bullying sessions are also conducted by our Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Kathleen Russo-Garcia, for all grade levels and classes. The OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program was initiated several years ago to provide our faculty and students with a clear and comprehensive program to understand what bullying is and the dynamics and responsibilities of respecting one another at Sacred Heart School. 

The four rules that encompass the OLWEUS program are:

  1.  We will not bully others.
  2.  We will try to help students who are bullied.
  3.  We will try to include students who are left out.
  4.  If we know someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school or an adult at home.

Our school counselor is here for you and your child as a support and advocate and is available five days a week. Please email Mrs. Kathleen Russo-Garcia, LCPC, NCC with any questions or concerns. 

Student Support Services

Our Monsignor Aiken Student Support Services Program led by Assistant Principal of the Middle School, Mrs. Lauren Noll includes a full-time guidance counselor, full-time and part-time special educators, a full-time reading specialist, and full-time nursing staff.  These staff members, along with our administration, form a Student Advocacy Team (SAT) that meets regularly to identify and address student concerns.

Additionally, we are able to provide many standard classroom accommodations for students with formally identified learning needs. However, some support services must be obtained from outside the school. The SAT Team coordinates and communicates with those outside providers.

Speech and Language Development

If a student has and IEP or Speech Service Plan through Baltimore County Public Schools, they will/can receive services here at Sacred Heart School of Glyndon. 

Title I

Title I is a federal program that provides extra academic support and learning opportunities to qualified students. If a student qualifies for Title 1 Services, they will receive these services right here at Sacred Heart School of Glyndon.