Letter from School Leadership

Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

If this is your first visit here, we hope you come away with a sense of what makes our school so special. Click through our pages and get to know our community. See who we are and what we believe. Can you envision your child/children here, loving, learning and serving?
Our mission gives us great focus, purpose and strength, yet it is so beautifully simple. We exist to develop the unique, God-given gifts of each student in a safe, nurturing, and diverse environment through innovative academics, service to others, and spiritual preparation for a fulfilling life that follows in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
We live that statement in our motto: Loving. Learning. Serving.
As the instructional leader of our school, I work closely with our teachers to support and encourage them in their efforts to deliver quality instruction that meets rigorous academic standards. Expectations for behavior are similarly high. Our faculty work in partnership with our parents to encourage the development of self-respect, self-discipline, time management and other important life skills in our students. We value our parents and encourage a strong school/home connection.
As the spiritual leader of our school, I am blessed to work with faith-filled faculty and staff who share a deep and abiding love of our Catholic-Christian faith. Together with our families, we do all we can to ensure that our students know their worth and value, know they are loved by God, and know they are called to share that love with others.
God has led you to explore our website for a reason. Why not take the next step and find out why? Give us a call, set up a tour, and visit our beautiful campus.
We hope to see you very soon!

Sincerely in faith,
