

By choosing a Catholic school, a family is choosing to invest in a child's future. A future of college and career success, but more importantly the daily reminder to strive towards eternal reward in heaven. A Catholic school education is a financial investment, and our graduates and their families would attest that it is well worth it!

The Sacred Heart School of Glyndon School Board reviews and sets tuition annually. We are proud that our tuition remains competitive within our local market and remains significantly lower than many independent schools.


Catholic Families:

  • New this year, Catholic families registered in any parish in the Archdiocese of Baltimore are eligible to receive the reduced tuition rate and are able to apply for parish tuition assistance at their respective parishes. In past years, this rate was made available to Sacred Heart and St. Charles Borromeo parishioners only.
  • Parishioner status in other parishes must be verified by submitting either a letter of good standing or a signed form (supplied) from the pastor of your church stating that you are a registered and contributing member of your Catholic parish community.

TUITION RATES (2021-2022)

Pre-K Tuition Rates

  • 5 day, full day option: $ 8,214.00
  • 5 day, half day option:$ 6,670.00

Catholic Tuition Rates

  • Grades K-5: $ 8,214.00
  • Grades 6-8 New Student (First Year Only): $ 9,239.00
  • Grades 6-8, Returning Student Loyalty Grant Rate: $ 8,214.00

Other Faiths Tuition Rates

  • Grades K-5: $ 10,264.00
  • Grades 6-8 New Student (First Year Only): $11,289.00
  • Grade 6-8, Returning Student Loyalty Grant Rate: $ 10,264.00


If you have 3 or more children enrolled at Sacred Heart School, you may deduct $300 from the tuition of the 3rd & 4th child or more. This reduced rate applies to both Catholic and Non-Catholic.


The Enrollment Fee for Grades Pre-K through 8 is non-refundable. In the spring of each year, families register students for the upcoming school year, which requires a signed tuition agreement. This agreement obligates the undersigned to pay the entire tuition of the upcoming school year, without regard to student absence, withdrawal, or dismissal for any reason. If a student is withdrawn in writing by July 1 (in the summer prior to the next school year beginning), the School will forgive or refund all but one month’s tuition. If a student is withdrawn in writing between July 2 and August 31, (in the summer prior to the next school year beginning), the School will forgive or refund 25% of the tuition obligation. If a student is withdrawn on or after September 1, (of that academic year), the undersigned is/are not entitled to forgiveness or refund of tuition from the School

In extraordinary circumstances of documented financial hardship (such as a sudden loss of income, serious illness or death, divorce), the undersigned may contact the principal in writing to request a hardship exception. 

STUDENT FEES 2021-2022 (All fees are non-refundable)

Enrollment fees, previously known as the Book & Tech fees, must be paid simultaneously when the enrollment contract is signed and submitted online in order to hold a seat for your child/children.

Enrollment Fee (Grades Pre-K-5):

  • “Early Bird” Rate-$275 per student if submitted by April 3, 2021 
  • Standard Rate-$375 if submitted between April 4, 2021, to June 3, 2021
  • Late Fee Rate-$475 if submitted after June 4, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Enrollment Fee (Grades 6-8):

  • “Early Bird” Rate-$295 per student if submitted by April 3, 2021
  • Standard Rate-$395 if submitted between April 4, 2021, to June 3, 2021
  • Late Fee Rate-$495 if submitted after June 4, 2021                                                                                                                                                      

8th Grade Graduation Fee:

  • $200 per student (paid as part of tuition payments)

If your family applies for financial aid, but the aid is not awarded and you cannot afford full tuition, the School will refund the appropriate fees after consultation with school administration. Please be sure to visit our school website for full information and to apply for aid and grants before the end of February. New scholarship opportunities are added frequently. We also encourage the use of the SCRIP tuition reduction program.