
About the Library

During a typical school year, students in grades K-5 spend regularly scheduled time in the SHG library.  (Pre-K students enjoy regular visits from the SHG Librarian.)  In addition, the library resources are available to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, faculty, staff, and library volunteers who wish to check out books.

The library collection contains over 14,000 books, which are continuously updated throughout the school year.  Materials are divided into Early Reader fiction, non-fiction and series sections for the younger (K-2) students, and fiction, non-fiction, series, graphic novels and Christian/Catholic books for the older (grades 3 and up) students.  In addition, the library contains a special collection of animal books donated by Ann Gearhart of the Snyder Foundation for Animals, who is a frequent visitor to SHG classrooms.

The library strives to update its book collection yearly, culling outdated volumes and purchasing new books using proceeds from the annual Scholastic Book Fair, along with donations of gently used books from the school community.

2021-2022 Sacred Heart School Library Schedule & Sign-Ups Coming Soon!

Library Volunteer Opportunities

The library would not run well without its wonderful volunteers!  Volunteer opportunities are available both in the library and from home. Time commitments and schedule flexibility vary greatly, depending on the task. Examples include assisting during student classes, re-shelving books, maintaining the library bulletin boards, covering books, sorting donated books, and assisting during annual inventory.

Click for Library Volunteer Information

Putting Books on Hold

There are two ways to put a book on hold:

  1. If your child has set up a library username and password, he or she may put the book on hold themselves using the steps in the procedure Placing Library Books on Hold.  (Note: If your child has not created an account, but would like to, please email to request the procedure. Provide your child’s first and last name, grade, and homeroom teacher.)
  2. Send an email to the SHG Library at and provide the book title and your student’s name and homeroom.

If your child already has the maximum number of books checked out, the librarian will hold the book(s) until your child’s next library period. If not, the book(s) will be checked out and sent to your child’s homeroom.

Click here for Library Catalog

Annual Book Fair

The annual Scholastic Book Fair is the library’s main fundraiser. It is held during Catholic Schools Week in late January/early February each year. The Book Fair is open to students, parents, and members of the Sacred Heart Parish community.

The Book Fair committee transforms the library and adjoining media center according to the year’s theme. Recent themes include Paws for Books (2018), Enchanted Forest (2019), and Arctic Adventure (2020).

Planning for the Book Fair begins in November with a kick-off meeting for interested volunteers.  Volunteers are needed for planning and creating decorations, games, and raffle baskets, as well as for set up, tear down, and assisting during the Book Fair week.

Click here for Book Fair Volunteer Info