SCRIP Program

SCRIP Program

The SCRIP program allows Sacred Heart families to purchase gift cards at face value (i.e., paying a $100 for a $100 gift card) to earn a percentage credit to applied to next year's tuition. SCRIP offers gift cards to many local and national chain stores at which our families frequently shop. Over the course of a year, many of our families earn a substantial credit in this program. Cards can be obtained online or through the ShopWithSCRIP RaiseRight app.

Here's how to get started -

  1. Register and create an on-line account.
  2. Purchase physical or electronic gift cards to pay for purchases at hundreds of locations, including grocery stores, retail stores, restaurants, and gas stations.
  3. Watch your SCRIP credit add up!


What is SCRIP and how does it work?

The SCRIP program at Sacred Heart allows participants to earn credit which can be applied towards tuition. Participating families purchase gift cards (either physical or electronic) through the school to use for purchases (in-store or on-line). The families purchase the gift cards at face value, but the school gets them at a discount. The difference (anywhere from 1% to 20%) is then credited to the family’s SCRIP account and can be applied towards the following year’s tuition.

Are there restrictions on what can be purchased with the gift cards?

Most retailers’ gift cards are the same as cash; you can buy anything that you would normally buy with cash, check, or credit card.  However, some retailers may have restrictions.  Always check the restrictions for a particular retailer before purchasing a gift card.

Who can participate?

The SCRIP program is open to anyone in the Sacred Heart Church community, including school families (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.), school association members and parishioners.

What are the options for using SCRIP credit?

There are three options for using SCRIP credit.

  1. Designate your credit to any participating SCRIP family (your own or another) to use towards their tuition.
  2. Donate your credit to the General Tuition Assistance Fund, which is used for families needing tuition assistance.
  3. Donate your credit to the 8th Grade Fund, to help offset costs of 8th grade activities (retreats, trips, etc.).
How do I sign up?

SCRIP orders are placed on-line through our distributor, Great Lakes Scrip. For more information, visit their web site at

To sign up, you will need an enrollment code specific to Sacred Heart. Contact the SCRIP administrator, Colleen Geldmacher, to obtain this code, then complete the following steps to create an on-line account:

1.      Go to, then chose Join a Program.

2.      Enter the Sacred Heart Enrollment Code and click Register.

3.      Complete the registration information.

Once you have an account, start purchasing SCRIP and start earning credits!

What are the payment options?

There are two primary payment options for purchasing SCRIP.

  • Linked Bank Account: Link a checking or savings account to pay for your purchases.  A low fee of 15¢ is charged per order.
  • Credit Card: Pay with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover. Credit card information may be saved for future use or entered on a one-time basis. A fee of 2.6% is charged on the order total.

For further information on payment options, please check the Online Payments FAQ at

When are orders for physical gift cards due?

The SCRIP coordinator will publicize the schedule for ordering physical gift cards. On weeks when physical gift cards will be ordered, the orders are due by 9:00am on Monday mornings.  Gift cards will be sent home with the child designated on the account on Fridays.  Please ensure that your child’s homeroom information is up-to-date in your account.  During the summer, the SCRIP coordinator will determine alternate arrangements for picking up physical cards.

I get a rebate on my credit card for purchases.  Why should I switch to SCRIP?

Since every credit card and corresponding reward system is different, each family will have to look at the details of their specific program and spending habits to make their decision.  Some factors to consider:

  • Some credit card rewards are restricted as to when and where they can be used.
  • Most credit cards rewards are 5% or below.  SCRIP percentages vary from 1% to 20%, including 4% at most grocery stores and 15% at Lands End, SHG’s uniform provider.
When will I receive my SCRIP credits?

The fiscal year for the SCRIP program runs February 1 – January 31.  The total rebate earned, minus any administrative fees, will apply toward the school year which starts in September.  For example, rebates earned from February 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021 would be applied to the 2021-2022 school year which starts in September 2021.  If you will not have tuition costs the following school year, please see the earlier section called “What are the options for using SCRIP credit?” for more information.

Is there a way to view how much credit I have accumulated?

Yes.  There are a variety of reports available through your SCRIP account, which may be run at any time.  The reports are located by choosing Dashboard, then Family Functions, then Reports.  To see earnings for the current fiscal year, choose the Family Order Earnings Summary Report, then modify the date range to start on February 1st of the current year.  Please keep in mind that administrative fees will be deducted from the total when the final credit is calculated.

How will I receive my SCRIP credits?

Families will be notified of their total SCRIP credits in May of each year.  SCRIP credits will be applied directly to the FACTS Tuition Management account.

What are the percentages earned on SCRIP purchases?

Percentages on SCRIP purchases vary from 1% to 20%.  Retailers will periodically offer bonuses, adding 1% or more to the rewards earned.

Where can I see which vendors participate in SCRIP, and what rebate percentages they offer?

To see a list of participating vendors, go to and choose Brand List from the bottom of the page.  For a downloadable Retailer List, choose Sign In and scroll to the bottom of the page (no need to actually sign in).

When do gift cards purchased through SCRIP expire?

The gift cards purchased through SCRIP generally do not expire.  Always check the restrictions for a particular vendor before purchasing gift cards.

What types of gift cards are available through the SCRIP program?

The three types of gift cards available for purchase are physical gift cards, reloads (onto a previously purchased physical gift card), and electronic gift cards.  Not all vendors offer all types.

  1. Physical gift cards – look and work like the gift cards available for purchase in stores.  These are available at denominations determined by each vendor.
  2. Reloads – additional funds may be loaded onto gift cards previously purchased through the SCRIP program and registered in your account.  Most reloads are available immediately, although some (as marked) are not available until the next day.
  3. Electronic gift cards – available in increments of $5, or as determined by the vendor.  Electronic gift cards are generally available immediately and may also be sent as gifts.  They will be stored in the Wallet in your account.  The wallet may be viewed from the web site or via the mobile app, RaiseRight Fundraising.
Is there a mobile app available for SCRIP?

Yes, there is a mobile app available.  It is call RaiseRight Fundraising and will allow you to buy and reload cards and view those already in your Wallet.

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